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Firm Announcements

Karuka Consulting certified in System Award Management (SAM)

The System for Award Management (SAM) is a Federal Government owned and operated free web site that consolidates the capabilities in Central Contractor Registration (CCR)/FedReg, Online Representations and Certifications Applications (ORCA) and the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS). Future phases of SAM will add the capabilities of other systems used in Federal procurement and awards processes.

Both current and potential government vendors are required to register in SAM in order to be awarded contracts by the Government. Vendors are required to complete a one-time registration to provide basic information relevant to procurement and financial transactions. Vendors must update or renew their registration annually to maintain an active status. SAM is also a marketing tool for businesses. SAM allows Government agencies and contractors to search for your company based on your ability, size, location, experience, ownership, and more. SAM allows users to search for firms certified by the SBA under the 8(a) Development and Hubzone Programs. SAM also incorporates the ORCA system which is web-based system where the vendor provides required information about the firm (e.g., accounting procedures; travel policies) and verifies that the firm meets certain Federal requirements (e.g., complies with equal opportunity legislation).

SAM validates the vendor's information and electronically shares the secure and encrypted data with the Federal agencies' finance offices to facilitate paperless payments through electronic funds transfer (EFT). Additionally, SAM shares the data with Government procurement and electronic business systems. A vendor only needs to input business information in one database), which will then automatically populate the SBA database. Please note that if you are interested in receiving Small Disadvantaged Business, HUBZone, or 8(a) certifications, you will need to refer separately to SBA to complete that process.